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This fatty ointment eases eczema and relieves itching instantly.  Made of 60% organic Kiwi lanolin, the fatty acids provide instant relief whilst the smoothness and thickness add the extra added barrier and deep penetration.  Mixed with all organic ingredients of olive, vitamin E and coconut and essential oils, the moisturising, anti fungal and anti bacterial properties prove a complete addition to any eczema treatment routine. Organic beeswax is also added into the ointment for stability, longer shelf life and emollient properties. It works the same as some of the traditional pharmaceutical manufactured topical creams for eczema.  However these ingredients and this compilation is all organic and natural. The high anti-oxidant properties, high fatty acids and essential oils aid in supporting the immune system (rather than suppress it as do many chemical grade creams) whilst encouraging new skin cell growth and rejuvenation. A little goes a long way.

Eczema ease fatty ointment (large) 100ml

  • 1.15% of the population is allergic to lanolin so please perform a small patch sensitivity test prior to applying liberally. Beeswax is not a honey derivative therefore sensitivity is rare.  Beeswax is commonly found in nappy rash cream, cosmetics, lotions; natural and chemical alike and considred extremely safe.

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