Beeswax candles are reknown scientifically for their ability to improve health and offer relief for asthma, sinus and hayfever sufferers.
As beeswax is melted, it releases negative ions. This is the kind of air you find yourself in at waterfalls, after a big storm or on high altitude mountain tops, creating a general sense of wellbeing and health. Toxins and pollutants release positive ions. These are attracted to the negative ions from beeswax and therefore bind and fall to the ground as they are neutralised. Our beeswax is sourced directly from beekeepers with hives located in pestice free Victorian national parks ensuring the flying radius of these bees are limited within these well cared for parks that do not use chemicals of any kind.
In addition the bees are of friendly strain and are manually carefully removed without the use of smoke or chemicals.
The beeswax we obtain from them is rich in colour and has a distict natural honey smell.
Regular parrafin candles use petro chemicals, whilst soy candles are generally GMO (genetically modified) and harvested with chemicals. Palm candles are generally unsustainable ruining wildlife habitats, especially orangutans.
Our candles contain over 85% organic beeswax and up to 15% organic coocnut oil to create a more even burn.
Purete acknowleges that overtime, candles have become a vital part of home decor, hence our striking candle trademark presentation of natural fibres and the tropical tipani flower.
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